How to select and format object in the slide with a big number of objects

PowerPoint 365
When you create your own design on the slide, very often, it contains a lot of different objects such as pictures, diagrams, charts, text boxes, shapes, etc. Sometimes it is difficult to select one of the objects - it can be behind other objects, or it can be too small, etc.
PowerPoint proposes an excellent feature named Selection pane that can help to navigate between different objects and groups.

To open the Selection pane:

   1.   Under Drawing Tools (or Picture Tools, or SmartArt Tools, or Chart Tools), on the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click the Selection Pane button:

Selection Pane in Arrange group in PowerPoint 2016   or   Selection Pane in Arrange group in PowerPoint 2016

   2.   On the Selection pane, you can:

Selection Pane in PowerPoint 2016
  • Up/Down buttons in Selection pane PowerPoint 2016 - Drag and drop objects up and down in the list to reorder them.

    Using reordering, you really move an object forward or backward regarding other objects to the list.

  • Choose to show or hide objects from the Selection pane.

    To hide an object, click the icon in the Selection pane, indicating that the object is Showing View icon in Selection pane PowerPoint 2016. The icon will change to a simple icon indicating that the object is Hidden Hidden icon in Selection pane PowerPoint 2016 from view. To show the object once again, simply click the Hidden icon Hidden icon in Selection pane PowerPoint 2016, and it will reappear.

  • Group or ungroup objects listed in the Selection pane.

    You can select several objects by holding Ctrl and clicking on the objects, and then you can group them together or ungroup them.

See also this tip in French: Comment sélectionner et formater un objet dans la diapositive avec un grand nombre d'objets.

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