Choosing Math AutoCorrect options

Word 365 2016 2010 2007
The Math AutoCorrect tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box lets you to control whether and where to have AutoCorrect replace math terms with math symbols. If you use math in your documents, Math AutoCorrect can be a great timesaver; if you don't use math, turn it off by clearing the Replace text as you type check box on the Math AutoCorrect tab.

To open the Math AutoCorrect tab of the AutoCorrect dialog box, do the following:

   1.   On the File tab, click the Options button:

Word 2013 options

   2.   Choose the Proofing tab, and then click the AutoCorrect Options... button:

Proofing in Word 2013

   3.   In the AutoCorrect dialog box, on the Math AutoCorrect tab:

Math AutoCorrect in Word 2013
  • If you don't use math, turn it off by clearing the Replace text as you type check box
  • Select the Use Math AutoCorrect rules outside of math regions check box if you want to use Math AutoCorrect anywhere in your documents. If you want to use Math AutoCorrect only in math areas, clear this check box.

How to use Math AutoCorrect, see Shortcut keys for inserting Greek symbols into the equation and Shortcut keys for inserting symbols and templates into the equation.

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