Using the Organizational Chart Tool

Word 365 2016 2013 2010 2007
In most cases, it is recommended to use Visio to create diagrams, but in some simple cases, such as company organizational charts, you can successfully use the built-in Word tools.

Choose Insert -> Picture -> Organization Chart to insert a drawing canvas in your document with a very simple 2-level organizational chart inside it.

Word will also open the Organization Chart toolbar:

Organizational chart in Word 2003
  •   To add text to a box: Click in the box and type the test.
  •   To edit text in a box: Click inside the box and edit as normal.
  •   To add a subordinate: Click on a box and click the Insert Shape button once; a box is added on the lower level.
  •   To add an assistant: Click on a box and then click the Insert Shape button's triangle to open the menu, and select Assistant:
    Assistant in Word 2003
  •   To add a coworker: Click on a box and then click the Insert Shape button's triangle to open the menu, and select Coworker. A box is added at the same level.
  •   To delete a box: Click the box and press Del.
  •   To change the chart layout: Select a layout from the Layout button:
    Layout in Word 2003
  •   To change the format (the colors, line styles, and so on): Click the AutoFormat button AutoFormat in Word 2003 and select from the AutoFormat dialog box:
    AutoFormat dialogbox in Word 2003
  •   To change the object's wrapping style: Click the Text Wrapping button Wrapping in Word 2003 and select from the menu:
    Wrapping list in Word 2003
  •   To change connecting-line colors: Choose Select -> All Connecting Lines from the toolbar; then choose Format -> AutoShape from Word's menu bar and pick a color.
  •   To change fill colors: Select the boxes you want to modify; then choose Format -> AutoShape.
  •   To select multiple lines and boxes: Use the Select menu on the toolbar; you may have to click on a box first.
    Select in Word 2003


Organizational chart example in Word 2003

Before you change a layout, we recommend you to save the document. The Undo might not work properly here; so if you don't like the results of your changes, you can close the file and reopen to get back to the previous layout.

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