Using automatic hyphenation

Word 365 2016 2013 2010 2007
Automatic hyphenation inserts optional hyphens. An optional hyphen is a hyphen that Word uses only when a word or a phrase appears at the end of a line. If the word or phrase moves to a different position because of editing, the optional hyphen is removed.

To select automatic hyphenation, follow these steps:

   1.   Choose Tools -> Language -> Hyphenation to open the Hyphenation dialog box:

Hyphenation in Word 2003

   2.   Select the Automatically Hyphenate Document check box.

   3.   If you do not want to hyphenate words in uppercase letters, leave the Hyphenate Words in CAPS check box blank.

   4.   Set a value in the Hyphenation Zone. This value is the distance in inches between the end of the last complete word in a line of text and the margin - in other words, the degree of raggedness Word should allow. Word uses this measurement to determine if a word should be hyphenated. Large values decrease the number of hyphens; low values increase the number of hyphens but reduce the raggedness of the right margin.

   5.   If you don't want consecutive lines to have hyphens - it can make a document look a little strange - set a limit in the Limit Consecutive Hyphens To box.

   6.   Click OK.

Normally, optional hyphens are not visible in your document. You can view optional hyphens by choosing Tools -> Options and then clicking the View tab. Under Formatting Marks, select the Optional Hyphens check box.

Hyphenation options in Word 2003

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