Change the color of a note

Outlook 365 2016 2013 2007 2003
Having notes of different colors can help you be more organized, and sometimes different-colored notes will help put a smile on your face.

Outlook enables you to easily change the color of a note, do one of the following:

  • Click the note icon in the top-left side of the note with your left mouse button to open the popup menu, move your mouse over the Categorize menu item to display the Categorize submenu and then choose the desired color for the note:
    Notes popup menu in Outlook 2010
  • Right-clicking in the note and selecting a color from the Categorize submenu:
    Notes icon popup menu in Outlook 2010
  • Select the note and then choose the color on the Home tab, in the Tags group, in the Categorize list:
    Tags group in Outlook 2010

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