Interactive chart in Excel 365 2013 2010 2007 2003

How to create interactive chart with dropdown list in Excel

Excel has a lot of different, useful features to help you to present data. There are a lot of different charts you can create (see charts). One of the features for presenting your data in an interactive chart with a drop-down list.

How to create interactive chart with checkboxes in Excel

Excel has a lot of different, useful features to help you to present data. There are a lot of different charts you can create (see charts). One of the features for presenting your data in an interactive chart with checkboxes.

How to create interactive chart with radio or option buttons

To create interactive charts, you need to add some of the controls in Microsoft Excel. This tip is about using Option Buttons that can be easily added and customized.

How to create simple interactive chart with radio or option buttons

There are a lot of different features in Microsoft Excel that can be useful for creating a presentation of your data. One of these features is interactive controls that can be added to your Excel spreadsheet to create dynamic charts. This tip is about using Option Buttons that can be easily added and customized.

How to create Master and Scrolled Detail charts

When you create a chart with a scroll bar, it will be useful to create a chart with all data to see which data fragment you see in the scrolling chart.

How to create a Scrolling chart

Sometimes you need to create a chart that shows a large data amount. Then it would be useful to insert a scroll bar in your chart: