Chart in Excel 365 2013 2010 2007 2003

Using shortcut keys to create a chart

Excel proposes an easy and very fast way to create a chart by using shortcut keys.

Using Pie Charts and Doughnut Charts in Excel

If you have several parts of something one, you can demonstrate each item in one pie chart. But sometimes you want to demonstrate the changes in those parts, and a doughnut chart will help you to do this.

Using Arrows in a Chart

The Expressiveness of business graphics sometimes determines the success or failure of the presentation, and you can achieve a better perception of the audience by using in charts intuitively obvious representation of data by arrows.

How to add Dividers to the chart

Most reports and presentations contain a lot of boring charts that describe the state before and after some event, action, etc. However, using simple visual tricks, you can shake up the audience and draw attention to the essence of your presentation.

A quick way to duplicate all of the custom chart formatting

The creation of a large number of visually consistent charts to represent different data is a time consuming and error prone task unless you know how to copy formatting between charts.

How to change the default colors that Excel uses for chart series

Every workbook uses a palette of 56 colors, but you can change the palette for the current workbook or even change the default colors for new workbooks.

How to fix the chart data

You can unlink a chart from its data ranges and produce a static chart that remains unaffected by later changes in the data.

Creating automatically extended plot ranges

If you often need to adjust your data ranges so that your charts plot an updated data range, you may be interested in a trick that forces Excel to update the chart's data range whenever you add new data to your worksheet.

Creating a gauge chart

This chart resembles a speedometer gauge and displays a value between 0 and 100%.

Creating a Gantt chart

A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart that is often used in project management applications like Microsoft Project.