Combining several charts into one chart

Excel 365 2016 2010 2007 2003
If you want to combine more than two different data series with common horizontal and different vertical values, you could not just add another axis to the chart. You need to combine several charts into one chart.
Several Charts in one in Excel 2013

If you need to create a chart that contains only one primary and one secondary axis, see Using two axes in the one chart.

Excel uses only two axis in one chart: primary and secondary. If you want to use another axis, you can create another chart and add it to you first chart. To do this, follow next steps:

   1.   Select the data range (in this example - income in E4:E13):

Data range in Excel 2013

And create a chart that you want:

The Second Chart in Excel 2013

   2.   Delete the horizontal axis and modify vertical axis:

The Second Chart in Excel 2013

   3.   Open the Format Chart Area on the Format task pane:

Format Chart Area in Excel 2013
  • In the Fill section, select the No fill checkbox.
  • In the Border section, select the No line checkbox.

   4.   Open the Format Plot Area on the Format task pane:

Format Plot Area in Excel 2013
  • In the Fill section, select the No fill checkbox.
  • In the Border section, select the No line checkbox.

   5.   The most hard step: Modify first chart to create a space in the right part of the chart and move second chart to create more interesting chart:

Several Charts in Excel 2013

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