Format in Excel 365 2016 2010 2007 2003

How to make your data changes in the chart more informative

Simple line and bar charts often attract little or no interest of the audience, but Excel allows you to attract an attention to your data by emphasizing change direction, difference or period.

Improve axes format in Excel

Very few Excel users pay an attention to the chart axes, but there are some tricks with axes that will help you to improve your visualizations with little or no efforts.

Useful Excel features to work with a lot of data

If you have a lot of data, manual editing and formatting of cells isn’t an option any more. However, Excel provides you many group operations that make those manipulations quick and easy.

Four ways to improve your data presentation in Excel

Using simple tricks, you can convert your Excel spreadsheet from a table with rows and columns to an interactive application that will help you to represent the date in a more appealing and convenient way.

Change the decimal point to a comma or vice versa

This tip is about changing number separators in Excel - comma to point, point to comma, semicolon to comma, etc.

The best way to organize your workbook using hyperlinks

For some workbooks with big number of sheets or to highlighting some important data, it is necessary to create hyperlinks to another cell in the same spreadsheet.

Quick way to select all cells

This tip will help you to select all cells in the worksheet in one click.

Copy and paste only nonblank cells

Unfortunately, when you try to paste a series of cells with blank cells, Paste special with Skip blanks option doesn't seem to work.

Unmerging all merged cells

Here's a quick way to unmerge all merged cells in a worksheet:

Workaround for sorting and filtering of merged cells

In some situation you can't work with workbook that consists of merged cells. To use Filter, Sort or other functions, you need to unmerge cells and put to all of them the data from merged cells. This tip shows how to do it efficiently.