Shortcuts in Excel 365 2016 2013 2007 2003

Modify cell data

You can edit data in cells this in several ways:

Basic Formula operators

There are several operators that could be used in formulas.

Shortcut key to switch between relative, absolute and mixed references

You can enter nonrelative references (absolute or mixed) manually by inserting dollar signs in the appropriate positions, or you can use a handy shortcut - F4 key.

Creating and using named ranges

Range names is a powerful Excel feature which allows you to give a symbolic name for the cell or range of cells to be later used as convenient replacement for cell/range address in formulas.

Copy formulas for selected cells fast and easy

You can use "Copy" (Ctrl+C) and "Paste" (Ctrl+V) options, but there is faster way to "copy" a formula to multiple adjacent cells.

How to change cells format easily

A simply way to apply number formatting is to use shortcut keys.
This tip summarizes the shortcut-key combinations that you can use to apply common number formatting to the selected cells or range.

Insert current date and time quickly

If you need to date-stamp or time-stamp your worksheet, Excel provides two shortcut keys that do this for you:

Collapse the Ribbon to get more space on screen

When you need as much space as possible on screen to view a workbook, you can collapse (or minimize) the Ribbon to only its labels by double-clicking the label of the tab you're currently using.

Adding commands to the Quick Access Toolbar

Suppose you'd like to add a couple more commands to the Quick Access toolbar. Also, say you're a big fan of AutoSum. You can add the AutoSum button to the Quick Access toolbar, so you can quickly create and use AutoSum entries.