How to create Master and Scrolled Detail charts

Excel 365 2016 2010
When you create a chart with a scroll bar, it will be useful create a chart with all data to see which data fragment you see in the scrolling chart.
Scrolling charts in Excel 2007

To create charts like these (sales data for the week for 3 months), do the following:

Step I: Create a chart with a scroll bar

See Creating a Scrolling chart).

Step II: Create a chart with a total data

  1. Select the data (in this example, A4:B95).
  2. On the Insert ribbon, in the Charts group, choose Line:
    Charts group in Excel 2007

    Choose the Line chart type, delete the legend.

  3. Move the chart so that it was placed under the chart with a scroll bar.

Step III: Add an additional data

  1. Add the next column to your data (in this example, C4:C95) and enter the following formula in the first cell:

    = IF (AND (ROW (A4) >= $E$1 + 3, ROW (A4) - $E$1 < 7 + 3), B4, 0).

  2. Copy this formula down to the other cells.

Step IV: Add a shaded box on the chart with a total data

  1. Select the range of the additional data (in this example, C4:C95), press Ctrl+C to copy the range. Select the bottom chart and press Ctrl+V to paste a new series to the chart.
  2. Select the second data series and do one of the following:
    • Under Chart Tools, on the Design tab, in the Type group, choose Change Chart Type:
      Type group in Excel 2007
    • Right-click and choose Change Series Chart Types... in the popup menu:
      series popup in Excel 2007
  3. In the Change Chart Type dialog box, choose the Area group and then choose the Area chart type:
    Area chart in Excel 2007
  4. Click the area chart to select the second series. Under Chart Tools, on the Format tab, in the Shape Styles group, choose Shape Fill and select a color to make the shaded box:
    Shape Styles group in Excel 2007

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