Adding Up/Down Bars to a line chart

Excel 365 2016 2013 2010
If you have a line chart with two different data series, you might want to compare those series at each point along the horizontal axis. There are two different options for this, available in two locations along the Layout tab of the ribbon.
High-Low Lines in Excel 2007
Up/Down Bars in Excel 2007

Create a line chart with two different data series, for example:

Line chart in Excel 2007

To add High-Low Lines to your chart, select it and then under Chart Tools, on the Layout tab, in the Analysis group, select Lines:

Lines in Excel 2007

In the Lines drop-down list, select High-Low Lines. High-low lines extend from one line to the other line.

To add Up/Down Bars to your chart, select it and then under Chart Tools, on the Layout tab, in the Analysis group, select Up/Down Bars:

Up/Down Bars in Excel 2007

In the Up/Down Bars drop-down list, select Up/Down Bars. Up/Down bars extend from one line to the other line. These bars appear in contrasting colors, depending on which line is higher at that particular point:

Up/Down Bars example in Excel 2007

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