A quick way to duplicate all of the custom chart formatting

Excel 365 2016 2013 2010 2003
Creation of a large number of visually consistent charts to represent different data is a time consuming and error prone task, unless you know how to copy formatting between charts. Also Excel 2007 introduced a new ability to create chart templates.

You have several options:

  • Copy the formatting: Create a standard chart with the default formatting.
    Then select your original chart and on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, choose Copy (or press Ctrl+C).
    Clipboard in Excel 2003

    Click your new chart and choose Paste Special on the Home tab, in the Clipboard group.

    Clipboard in Excel 2003

    In the Paste Special dialog box, select Formats.

    Paste Special in Excel 2003
  • Copy the chart: Hold down Ctrl while you click the original chart and drag.
    This creates an exact copy of your chart. Then on the Design tab, in the Data group, click the Select Data button:
    Data in Excel 2003

    In the Select Data Source dialog box specify the data for the new chart.

    Select Data Source in Excel 2003

    You can choose Select Data Source dialog box also from popup menu:

    Data in Excel 2003
  • Create a template: Select your original chart; then, on the Design tab, in the Type group, choose Save As Template.
    Type in Excel 2003

    To create the chart from the template, on the Design tab, in the Type group, choose Change Chart Type.

    In the Change Chart Type dialog box, click Templates, and then click the chart template that you want to use in the second box:

    Template in Excel 2003

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