Hide formulas from appearing in the edit bar

Excel 365 2016 2013 2010 2007
Usually you can view a formula in the Excel cell when cell is selected, but you can protect spreadsheet to hide formulas in some cells.

If you select the cell with formula, it will be visible in the edit bar:

Edit bar in Excel 2003

To hide the formula in the edit bar, do the following:

   I.   Un-protect all of the cells on the sheet. To do this, do the following:

   1.   Select all of the rows and columns in your sheet and right-click on the selected cells:

   2.   Select Format Cells... on the popup menu:

popup in Excel 2003

   3.   In the Format Cells dialog box, on the Protection tab, uncheck the Locked checkbox and then click OK:

Format Cells Locked in Excel 2003

   II.   Select the cell(s) that you wish to hide the formulas for, right-click in it and select Format Cells... from the popup menu.

   III.   In the Format Cells dialog box, on the Protection tab, check the Hidden checkbox and then click OK:

Custom Lists Hidden in Excel 2003

   IV.   Protect the spreadsheet. To do this, follow next steps:

   1.   Select the Tools -> Protection -> Protect Sheet....

protect sheet in Excel 2003

   2.   In the Protect Sheet dialog box, on the Password to unprotect sheet box, type a password for the sheet, if you wish (Password is optional, for more details see Protecting spreadsheet elements) and then click OK:

password in Excel 2003

After that, the formula will be no longer displayed in the edit bar when the cell is selected.

Edit bar in Excel 2003

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