Using nonbreaking and optional hyphens

Word 365 2016 2010 2007 2003
Use nonbreaking hyphens to hyphenate phrases or terms that you don't want to wrap to another line. With nonbreaking hyphens, the entire phrase or term wraps to the next line instead of breaking.

To insert a nonbreaking hyphen, do the following:

   1.   Position the insertion point where you want to place the nonbreaking hyphen.

   2.   Press Ctrl+Shift+- (hyphen).

Use an optional hyphen when you want to break specific lines of text. For example, if a lengthy word wraps to the next line and leaves a large amount of white space, you can insert an optional hyphen in that specific word so that the first part appears on the first line. If the word later moves to a different position because of editing, the optional hyphen does not print. If further editing moves the word back into a hyphenation zone, the hyphen reappears.

To insert an optional hyphen, do the following:

   1.   Position the insertion point where you want the optional hyphen to appear.

   2.   Press Ctrl+- (hyphen).

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