Word 365 2016 2010 2007 2003

The Master Document View

Word master document enables you to: cross-reference items among several documents; create indexes, tables of contents, and lists that span several documents; easily assign consistent page numbering, headers, and other formatting across multiple documents; etc.
A book is ideally suited to the master document feature. Each chapter can be a subdocument, and the elements common to the entire book can be contained in the master document itself.

How to use paragraph borders and shading

You can use paragraph borders, but removing these borders isn't easy for somebody. This tip is how to insert and remove paragraph borders and shading.

How to see the current shortcut keys for the toolbar button

Sometimes people don't use shortcut keys, because they don't know them. Word proposes very easy way to know the current shortcut keys for the toolbar button to use it in the future.

Change the type of brackets in citations

Usually Word surrounds citations by the round brackets (see How to create a citation for more details). But you can insert a citation in the square brackets or use other symbols.

Show the Developer tab

You should display the Developer tab when you want to write macros, run macros that you previously recorded, or create applications to use with Microsoft Office programs. Do the following:

Price, sum, amount and other numbers in words

In some cases you want to show in your Word document the number or amount in words. You can use macros, but Word proposes easy and simple way by using fields.

How to create a citation

Either you do your scientific research work at school or college, or write an article to the reputable magazine you need to reference sources of your information. To simplify this hard work Word 2013 provides you automatic tools for inserting citations.

Create a Bibliography, References, or Work Cited

If you use citations in your Word documents, you might need the bibliographic specs for each source that you have referenced.

How to review Tracked Changes

When you've created a document and sent it out to your colleagues for editing, you'll probably need to review the tracked changes and decide which to keep and which to jettison.

Group and ungroup objects

If you work with several objects and have to move them or apply shared formatting to them, you must select these objects every time. Apply formal grouping and you will be able to operate those objects quickly as a unit.