Word 365 2016 2013 2010 2003

Cropping a picture to a shape

It is worth to know that, instead of cropping a picture to a conventional rectangle, you can crop it to a circle, a triangle, an arrow, or even a thought bubble:

Sorting a table

If you use tables in Word, sometimes you need sort it by one, two, or three columns.

Working with the property variables in the document

To make documents easier to identify via searches, and to help the Windows Indexing Service to store the appropriate key information about documents, you can enter property information.

Modifying an Organizational Chart

How to create an organizational chart in Microsoft Word 2007 see Using the Organizational Chart Tool. This tip is about how to change or modify an organizational chart in Word.

Adding shapes into an Organizational Chart

How to create an organizational chart in Microsoft Word 2007 see Using the Organizational Chart Tool. This tip is how to add a new shape an organizational chart in Word.

Hiding pictures

Including a large number of in-line pictures in your documents slows down Word's performance. You can improve performance by replacing actual pictures with picture placeholders.

Using the Organizational Chart Tool

In most cases, it is recommended to use Visio to create diagrams, but in some simple cases, such as company organizational charts, you can successfully use the built-in Word tools.

Viewing document and readability statistics

Writing simple and easy to understand documents is a unique ability that lays somewhere between art and science. Microsoft Word can help you to improve you writing skills by providing readability statistic metrics.

Printing AutoText entries

To help you manage your AutoText (Building Blocks) entries, you can print the names and contents of AutoText (Building Blocks) entries attached to the current document.

Using manual hyphenation

With manual hyphenation, you have more control over what is hyphenated and how it is hyphenated. You can select which parts of the document are hyphenated and where a hyphen appears in specific words. This is a huge hassle for a large document, but it does allow you to do a better job than Word might do automatically - Word sometimes hyphenates words in positions that don't look good.