How to insert an equation with matrix

Word 365 2016 2013 2010 2007
This tip display how to insert an equation for example, the Electromagnetic tensor.

Do the following (how to add an equation in your document, see Working with Microsoft Equation):

   1.   In the Equation Editor enter F and then select Subscript in the Subscript and superscript templates group on the Equation toolbar:

Subscript and superscript templates

   2.   Choose alpha and beta in the Greek characters (lowercase) group on the Equation toolbar:

Greek characters in Word 2003

   3.   Enter = and then choose Parentheses, or round brackets in the Fence templates group on the Equation toolbar:

Round brackets in Word 2003

   4.   Choose 4x4 matrix in the Matrix templates group on the Equation toolbar:

4x4 matrix in Word 2003

To add a matrix more than 4x4, do the following:

  1. choose Variable-size matrix or table in the Matrix templates group on the Equation toolbar:
    Variable-size matrix in Word 2003
  2. in the Matrix dialog box enter count of columns or/and rows and other parameters what your want:
    Matrix in Word 2003

   5.   Enter in some positions zero, for other positions use Subscript and Full-size vertical fraction:

Electromagnetic tensor in Word 2003

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