Adding captions with AutoCaption

Word 365 2016 2013 2010 2007
Use the AutoCaption feature if you want to add captions to all items of a particular type automatically.

To add captions automatically, follow these steps:

   1.   Choose Insert -> Reference -> Caption... to open the Caption dialog box:

Caption in Word 2003

   2.   Click AutoCaption... to open the AutoCaption dialog box:

AutoCaption in Word 2003

   3.   Select the type of object that you want to caption from the Add caption when inserting list box. If you want several object types to use the same label and numbering scheme, select those types. Each type of object will be numbered sequentially within its own group.

   4.   Select a label from the Use Label drop-down list, or click New Label... and type a new label name.

New Caption Label in Word 2003

   5.   Select Above Item or Below Item from the Position drop-down list.

   6.   Click Numbering... if you want to change any of the numbering options.

Caption Numbering in Word 2003

   7.   Repeat steps 3-6 for each type of object you want to label automatically.

   8.   Click OK.

You can add descriptive text to an automatic caption by placing your insertion point directly after the caption number in your document and then typing the additional information.

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