How to change the Mail Count Display

Outlook 365 2016 2013 2007 2003
Outlook can display either the number of unread e-mails or the total number of e-mails in a folder alongside the folder name.

For example:

  • The number of unread e-mails displayed in round brackets:
    Number of Unread e-mails in Outlook 2010
  • The total number of e-mails displayed in square brackets:
    Total e-mails in Outlook 2010

To choose which number you want to be displayed, do the following:

   1.   Right-click the folder and select Properties:

Folder popup in Outlook 2010

   2.   From the folder's Properties dialog box, you can choose one of the following options:

Folder Properties in Outlook 2010
  • Show number of unread items
  • Show total number of items

   3.   Click OK.

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