Collapse the Ribbon to get more space on screen

Excel 365 2016 2013 2007
When you need as much space as possible on screen to view a workbook, you can collapse (or minimize) the Ribbon to only its labels by double-clicking the label of the tab you're currently using.

To collapse (or minimize) the Ribbon, do one of the following:

  • Click the Minimize the Ribbon button:
Minimize Ribbon button Excel 2010
  • Or press Ctrl+F1.
Minimize Ribbon Excel 2010

While the Ribbon is minimized, click any tab to turn it back on temporarily. It will automatically hide when you're done using it.

Display Minimized Ribbon Excel 2010

To expand the Ribbon back to its normal size when you want to have it displayed again, do one of the following:

  • Double-click the current tab again
  • Press the Expand the Ribbon button:
    Expand Ribbon button Excel 2010
  • While the Ribbon is minimized, click any tab to turn it back on temporarily and the click the Expand the Minimized Ribbon button:
    Expand Minimized Ribbon button Excel 2010
  • Press Ctrl+F1

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