Excel 365 2016 2013 2007 2003

Changing a spreadsheet tabs color

Color code is a perfect way to identify content and draw an attention to it. In Excel you can easily change colors of one or more spreadsheet tabs.

How to change the default colors that Excel uses for chart series

Every workbook uses a palette of 56 colors, but you can change palette for the current workbook or even change the default colors for new workbooks.

How to change default font

This setting enables you to select a different font and font size for your worksheets.

AutoCorrect for data entry

You can use Excel's AutoCorrect feature to create shortcuts for commonly used words or phrases.

Working with spreadsheets

In this tip describes shortcut keys which can useful.

Changing moving direction of the cell pointer after entering data

Excel automatically moves the cell pointer to the next cell down when you press the Enter key after entering data into a cell, but you can change this behavior to move it up, down, left, right and even stay on.

How to create Master and Scrolled Detail charts

When you create a chart with a scroll bar, it will be useful create a chart with all data to see which data fragment you see in the scrolling chart.

How to create a Scrolling chart

Sometimes you need to create a chart that shows a large data amount. Then it would be useful to insert a scroll bar in your chart.

How to add the Developer tab in Excel

You should display the Developer tab when you want to write macros, run macros that you previously recorded, or create applications to use with Microsoft Office programs. Do the following:

View spreadsheets side by side

Sometimes it is necessary to compare two Excel worksheets. E.g., compare balance sheets for different periods of time. You can do it by comparing worksheets side by side in two automatically linked windows.