Entering decimal points automatically

Excel 365 2016 2013 2010 2003
If you need to enter lots of numbers with a fixed number of decimal places, Excel has a useful tool:

   1.   Click the Microsoft Office Button ms office button , and then click Excel Options:

Excel 2007 Options

   2.   On the Advanced tab, under Editing options, select the Automatically insert a decimal point check box:

Excel 2007 decimal point options

   3.   In the Places box, enter a positive number for digits to the right of the decimal point or a negative number for digits to the left of the decimal point.

For example, if you enter 2 in the Places box and then type 1234 in a cell, the value will be 12.34. If you enter -2 in the Places box and then type 1234, the value will be 123400.

Attention! The fixed-decimal-places option is a global setting and applies to all workbooks (not just the active workbook). If you forget that this option is turned on, you can easily end up entering incorrect values.

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