Protecting workbook elements

Excel 365 2016 2013 2010 2007
Much like as you can protect elements of each Excel spreadsheet (see Protecting spreadsheet elements for more details), you can protect structure of the sheets in the workbook, prohibiting renaming, moving and other operations.

To protect an Excel workbook elements, follow these steps:

   1.   Choose Tools -> Protection.

Protect in Excel 2003

   2.   Click Protect Workbook... to open the dialog box, which contains three options:

Protect Workbook in Excel 2003
  • Structure prevents users from adding, deleting, moving, hiding, or unhiding spreadsheets
  • Windows prevents users from moving, hiding, unhiding, resizing, or closing workbook windows
  • Password allows you to enter a password that users must have before they can unprotect the workbook.

   3.   Click OK.

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