Applying Conditional Formatting

Excel 365 2016 2013 2010 2007
This tip describes how to use conditional formatting for comfortable viewing results in the worksheet.

For example, if you wanted to separate all the negative figures.

To apply conditional formatting, follow these steps:

   1.   Select the cells to which you want to apply the conditional formatting.

   2.   Select the Format menu and select Conditional Formatting. The Conditional Formatting dialog box appears.

conditional in Excel 2003

   3.   Be sure that Cell Value Is is selected in the Condition 1 drop-down box on the left of the dialog box.

   4.   In the next drop-down box to the right, you select the condition. The default is Between. Other conditions include Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, and other possibilities. Use the drop-down box to select the appropriate condition.

   5.   After selecting the condition, you must specify a cell or cells in the worksheet that Excel can use as a reference for the conditional formatting. For example, if you select Less Than as the condition, you must specify a cell in the worksheet that contains a value that can be used for comparison with the cells that you are applying the conditional formatting to.

   6.   Click the Expand button on the Conditional Formatting dialog box to expand the dialog box.

   7.   Now you can set the formatting that will be applied to cells that meet your condition. Click the Format button in the Conditional Formatting dialog box and select the formatting options for your condition in the Format Cells dialog box. Then click OK.

conditional formatting in Excel 2003

   8.   After setting the conditions to be met for conditional formatting (you can click Add to set more than one condition), click OK.

You are returned to the worksheet. Cells that meet the condition you set up for conditional formatting will be formatted with the options you specified.

example in Excel 2003

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