Funny thermometer Cocktail chart

Excel 2013
Do you want to make your annual company performance meeting less annoying? Create a funny cocktail chart for it! E.g., you can mix in a glass percentage of department contribution to the company revenue.
The Coctail Chart Excel 2013

To create the chart like this one, do the following:

   1.   Create a rainbow thermometer chart (in this example, for cells C19:C23):

Additional data Excel 2013

   2.   The trick of creating charts like this one is to have a transparent picture in your worksheet:

   2.A.  If you have a picture with gaps inside:

  • just insert it:
    Picture with space Excel 2013
  • and move it to the front of the chart:
    Coctail chart 2 Excel 2013

   2.B.  If you don't have a picture with gaps inside, you can create it:

  • just crop parts of the picture:
    Parts of the picture with space Excel 2013
  • group them and move it to the front of the chart:
    Coctail chart 3 Excel 2013

Make any other adjustments to get the look you desire.

See also this tip in French: Comment créer un graphique de thermomètre Cocktail.

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